import time import random class Agent: def __init__(self, action_space, eval_func, time_delay): self.action_space = action_space self.eval_func = eval_func self.time_delay = time_delay self.prob_signatures = {} def act(self): action = random.choice(self.action_space) outcome = self.take_action(action) self.update_prob_signatures(action, outcome) time.sleep(self.time_delay) return action, outcome def take_action(self, action): # Implement the logic to perform the action and return the outcome pass def update_prob_signatures(self, action, outcome): if action not in self.prob_signatures: self.prob_signatures[action] = {} if outcome not in self.prob_signatures[action]: self.prob_signatures[action][outcome] = 0 self.prob_signatures[action][outcome] += 1 def evaluate(self, action, outcome): return self.eval_func(action, outcome) def run(self, num_iterations): for _ in range(num_iterations): action, outcome = self.act() evaluation = self.evaluate(action, outcome) # Use the evaluation to guide the next action # Example usage def eval_func(action, outcome): # Implement the evaluation logic based on the action and outcome pass action_space = ['post_text', 'post_image', 'post_video'] time_delay = 60 # Time delay in seconds agent = Agent(action_space, eval_func, time_delay)